He ahí un poema que conmueve y clama al cielo de la indignidad y la vergüenza. Un poema contundente de denuncia sobre la voluntad de ocultar los niños asesinados en Gaza. La tragedia inmensa de la infancia que vive en la tierra palestina. Esos niños no existen ni tienen nombre. Un aldabonazo a las conciencias de un mundo que no puede permanecer indiferente ni mirar para otro lado. El poema de Michel Rosen debe ser conocido en todo el mundo.
Don’t Mention the Children
‘Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza.’
Don’t mention the children.
Don’t name the dead children.
The people must not know the names
of the dead children.
The names of the children must be hidden.
The children must be nameless.
The children must leave this world
having no names.
No one must know the names of
the dead children.
No one must say the names of
the dead children.
No one must even think that the children
have names.
People must understand that it would be dangerous
to know the names of the children.
The people must be protected from
knowing the names of the children.
The names of the children could spread
like wildfire.
The people would not be safe if they knew
the names of the children.
Don’t name the dead children.
Don’t remember the dead children.
Don’t think of the dead children.
Don’t say: ‘dead children’.
Published with kind permission of the author.
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